Pray, Give, & Go: Responding to Disasters through Impact Missions

Over the past two years, Impact Disaster Response has been part of two long-term rebuild operations from storms in Buchanan County in Virginia and Fort Myers in Florida. These responses were possible because volunteers from all over Virginia were able to support local volunteers who were the backbone of each response. As both of those responses have ended,we prepare for wherever future storms may take us.

One blessing that has come out of the responses is the number of local volunteers in those communities who have committed to responding the next time a disaster happens elsewhere. As recovery continued, they said they wanted to train not just to respond at home better, but to be able to serve the next community that needs help like they did. Those partnerships, which include training, equipment, and volunteer deployment, are made possible because people pray constantly for the work to be done, give to support it, and go when called.

Pray for all who serve and are served in Disaster Response ministry.

Learn more about Impact Missions Disaster Response efforts below.


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