SPA: Missions & Racial Reconciliation
The Black Lives Matter Movement ushered in the call for a renewed commitment to do the work of racial reconciliation. WMUV’s response was the creation of a process called S~P~A: Share, Pray, Act. Women are brought together to share stories, to pray for unity, and to develop mission action plans. Black women tell of being called the “N” word and harassed by law enforcement. Whites tell of being raised to love all people or to stay away from blacks. A white woman shares that she was “asleep” and “not awake” to the reality of daily life for her black sisters.
Since the early 1900s, Virginia Baptist Women have engaged in what was called interracial work. In 1934, WMUV appointed a biracial committee to seek cooperation between black and white women. According to Fred Anderson, historian, these women “wanted to know each other; and to stand solidly for interracial justice, goodwill and cooperation and against any effort to create discord between the races.” In this vein, we continue!
In a chaotic world, as we dare to be radically involved in the mission of the Church, let us pray for the tearing down of the walls that separate people.